Research Programme
Center for Oceans Law and Policy, Rhodes Academy
5-25 July 2015, Rhodes, Greece
Prof. Maria Gavouneli, Maritime Delimitation
2015 ESIL Annual Conference, The Judicalization of International Law - A Mixed Blessing?
10-12 September 2015, Oslo, Norway
Intersessional Meeting of the ILA Committee on International Law and Sea Level Rise
11-14 June 2015, Fridtjof Nansen Institute (FNI), Oslo
Prof. Maria Gavouneli, Energy at sea and adaptation measures
Brown Bag Lunch - OECD Paris
9 June 2015
A Brown Bag Lunch on Energy at Sea was organised in Paris, inviting Professor Maria Gavouneli to present and offer for critical comments on some of the early comclusions of the project, as well as to further investigate emerging issues on energy at sea.
2-4 June 2015, Souda Bay, Crete, Greece
Maria Gavouneli, Energy at sea: New Challenges over troubled waters
Efthymios Papastavridis, The Arctic Sunrise Case
25-26 May 2015, Taipei, Taiwan, Republic of China
Dimitra Papageorgiou, poster presentation, "WTO and Energy Trade, in light of recent developments"
109th ASIL Annual Meeting, "Adapting to a Rapidly Changing World"
8-11 April 2015, Washington DC, U.S.A.
Maria Gavouneli, Energy at sea: How Do Increased Energy Demands Test the Regime for Ocean Governance?
Regulating ‘Irregular’ Migration: International Obligations and International Responsibility
20 March 2015, Faculty Club, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
4 March 2015, European University Institute
New Challenges Facing the Arctic Ocean and Other Fragile Seas
20 February 2015, Arctic Centre, University of Lapland,Arktikum House, Rovaniemi
Maria Gavouneli, Energy Resources in Fragile Seas: Lessons learned?
15 January 2015, University of Athens, Greece
Maria Gavouneli, Protection of the Environment during the works of extraction and transport of hydrocarbons
19-21 December 2014, Panteion University, Athens, Greece
Dimitra Papageorgiou & Eva Tzavala, The ICJ and its role in the settlement of energy at sea disputes
Hellenic Society of International Law & International Relations, Applications of international law and international politics 20 years after the entry into force of the Law of the Sea Convention: Reaching out in the Aegean and Mediterranean blue
11-14 September 2014, Rhodes & Kastellorizo, Greece
Maria Gavouneli, On grey areas and other novel demons: The delimitation in the Bay of Bengal
11-12 September 2014, Lisbon, Portugal
The Portuguese Branch of the International Law Association organised the 2014 ILA Regional Conference in Lisbon. The conference included as speakers well-known judges and scholars, several of which from Portuguese-speaking countries around the world, such as Angola, Brazil and Cape Verde. It also gave young researchers the opportunity of presenting their papers on issues concerning the coherence of the international legal order with regard to the recent proliferation of international courts and jurisdictions.
Dimitra Papageorgiou & Eva Tzavala, Energy at Sea in the Jurisprudence of the ICJ
4-6 September 2014, Vienna, Austria
The 10th Anniversary Conference of the European Society of International Law took place in Vienna, Austria.The conference featured plenary sessions, fora with invited speakers, and a number of agorae with speakers selected on the basis of calls for papers exploring the interconnection between international law and other fields and disciplines.
Interest Group on the Law of the Sea - LAWSEA
Side Event, 3 September 2014
The ESIL LAWSEA IG provides a forum for those interested in Law of the Sea issues, such as navigation, delimitation, fisheries, marine scientific research, environmental protection or maritime safety and security. Only ESIL Members can become LAWSEA IG members.
During the side event, speakers, a series of very interesting papers were presented, focusing on topics where the law of the sea has influenced the development of international law.
Maria Gavouneli, Dimitra Papageorgiou and Matina Papadaki participated in the workings of the LAWSEA Side Event.
Maria Gavouneli was elected co-convenor for the LAWSEA Interest Group.